Friday, August 8, 2008

testing, testing, 1-2-3

OK we go. Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging...I figured some people might not want to see every detail that I share when I send out instead, I think I will post here, and you can stalk me all you want if you so choose. I'll do my best to post as often as possible, with pictures of course....if I can figure out how to do that, I'm not all that computer savvy believe it or not.

OK so I figured out how to post a picture...obviously.....but it took at least 2 minutes for just ONE picture so well see how this goes....considering I sent out about 100 today alone.....hence the need for a blog. I am sure there was at least a few people who though "OH NO, NOT AGAIN", no hard feelings, I've been looking for a hobby anyways. I'll just add it to my list of jobs I already do......

1. Wife

2. Mom


4. Housekeeper

5. Doctor

6. Lawyer

7.Financial Planner

8. Amusement Park (yes I AM an amusement park)



11. Pool Boy

12.Lawn Boy

13. Home Boy (haha got ya :)

14. Teacher

15. Photographer

16. Chauffer/Taxi

17. and now Blogger

I'm sure there are at least 3 more things to make this an even 20....but frankly I am just too tired to think about it anymore :)


erika converse said...

Ok, I have one more thing that I am going to have to try to figure out in order to keep up with my "overachiever" friends. Thanks!! No really, it's wonderful. You amaze me yet again. And yes I will stalk you, but only because I love and miss you so much!

Love, Erika

Morgan LaMare said...

YAY! So happy to see you've joined the blogging world! But you have to promise a few things. One, you will swear on your blog. Two, you will reference alcohol whenever possible. And three, you will complain about parenting when you need to. PLEASE don't be the mommy blogger who plans on only blogging when her children are perfectly behaved. I know you better than that, Reenie. :) Don't let me down! You are an amazing mother, and even with your not-so-perfect-mommy-moment posts, you will still be envied. Love you to pieces - welcome to your new hobby :)

HL said...

AHA! Now that I know you can write I'll have to hit you up for the newsletter! Just kidding. (or maybe not...) Anyway, it looks great and I can't wait to see what you have to say!


PConverse said...

Irene, I am so excited to have another way to "stalk" your wonderful family on a more regular basis. I always played your Kodak Gallery postings over & over. I never can get enough of the Laskaris gang. I have had serious Laskaris withdrawal since the day you left NY. Miss you & your 3 most wonderful boys more than you will ever know ... love you like a daughter...always have...always will!!!! Grammie Penny, Penny, Penny

Jeffrey Michael said...

Too cute, arent you tech savy! In case you are wondering this is Megan, I am using Jeffs account today!