Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Koopons, Q-pons....whatever you want to call them. Listen folks....these are free money. Cut them out. Take them to the store with you, and use them!!! They are to be used like cash. There is nothing wrong with using them, no one will think you are white trash, or poor; and so what if they do anyways? If you use a coupon for 1.00 off an item you are already going to buy, that is one extra dollar you STILL have in your pocket at the end of the day. Using coupons is smart, and I will tell you why. Because today, I went to the grocery store and bought 10 pounds of boneless skinless chicken breast, a package of hot dogs, 4 boxes of cereal, and 3 packages of kool-aid for 0.54 yes, folks that says FIFTY FOUR CENTS.

Close your mouths.

I didn't do anything illegal. Take advantage of the "system"...maybe. If you're lucky I'll blog about my couponing some more, and maybe it will inspire you. I would love to inspire people to save money. Yes, I am committed to it. Yes, it takes some time and organization. And YES it saves us a ton of money. More than a ton....my super de-duper hard working husband works his tail off to earn the money that supports us, and allows me to stay at home and take care of our kids....and it is my job to stretch it as far as it will go. Besides being a Mom THIS is my "job", and my #1 hobby and addiction. Yes, I think it's a bit like an evil drug. Once you spend change on something you normally would have spent 20, 30, 50 dollars on....there is nothing like it.
I meant to take a picture of my loot from today but I forgot, so here is one from a couple weeks ago (before the broken fridge/freezer). I spent 0.84 on all this. EIGHTY FOUR CENTS FOLKS!There is 7 pouches of pasta sauce, 2 penne noodles, 3 tortilla chips, 4 hot dogs, 4 boxes popcorn, 4 bags lifesavers candy, 3 koolaids, and 2 boxes of kleenex....I know, I know....believe it.I lost all of my hotdogs in the freezer death. There were 20 packages maybe more...may they rest in peace. At least I still my 50 boxes of kleenex :) And that is after donating 35 boxes for school supplies for the kids that can't afford them. I try to share the wealth when I can. I used to get the free lunches at school too...and I still have anxiety if we get down to less than 12 rolls of toilet paper. Thanks Mom :)

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