Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The big day

Caleb's first day of school....was fantastic. He handled it like a pro, like he had done it a million times before. Me, however, I need some more practice. Let me tell you how it went. We are waiting in the lobby for the teacher. Caleb is looking at the fish, bouncing around the lobby eager to start his big day. His teacher comes and greets the kids, and it went like this....

Miss Lori : OK kids lets walk to class. Caleb, I want you to hold hands with X (insert girls name here)

The kids line up, Caleb does as he was instructed to do.

Miss Lori: Alrighty class follow me!

Caleb : WAIT!!! I need hugs and kisses bye-bye first! As he runs across the lobby with his arms open wide.

I heard an AWWWWW in the backround, as I was pulling the sunglasses over my eyes to hide the tears streaming down my face. Caleb turned around, ran to get back in line, and then I ran out of there as fast as I could....and cried all the way to the grocery store. 15 minutes away.

The moment was bittersweet, I was so proud of him, in so many ways, for so many reasons. But of course I was so sad to let my little man go. He is growing up whether I like it or not. And right now I more leaning toward the NOT LIKE IT side :)

He loved his first day of school, and he can't wait to go back. He also can't wait to ride the school bus in Kindergarden. One thing at a time little man, one thing at a time....

Here is some pics from the big day.....

the walk to the van...(notice the bookbag that took 2 hours to pick out)

in the school parking lot....

waiting in the pickup line....and....the thinking face.....just like Mommy :)

Today we spent the entire day at home. And I remember why I love staying home with my kids soooo much. We made home made play dough, went for a bike ride, colored, read books, and just sat on the floor and played. OK I did some laundry and I had to clean up the messes from Breakfast, 2 snacks, and lunch, but besides that we had a really great day :)

1 comment:

Morgan LaMare said...

awwww! I can't even stand it, he is such a little man! Congrats on making it through the day :) I love Caleb's backpack, by the way, I would have picked the same one! Ava starts back at "school" next week for a few days and she's all about the backpack. Now that I think of it, I bet it wouldn't be so emotional if they didn't wear those friggin backpacks. They just make them seem so much bigger than they are! Love and miss you all! xoxo - Morgan