Saturday, August 9, 2008

Lawn Boy

If you read my first post you probably noticed that one of my many jobs at home is lawn might have wondered why......wonder no more.

So my newly-wed BFF is on her honeymoon in Aruba, and is blogging their little adventure for all of us to see...well all I want to do is pack my $h!t and get a plane and crash the party!!! They had a dinner cruise last night, and drank and danced all night long...what did I do last night???Sleep...not so much. Cohen was up mad as hell that he couldnt breathe and had snot all over his what do I do? I suck it out with that little snot sucker thing and what happens? The little turd gets even more pissed at me for trying to help him out!

On another note, why is it that when the baby is up sick, crying, and completely unconsolable at 2:30 in the morning it is always Mom who is up with them, while Dad snores away in dreamland??? And why is it then that Dad gets to lay in bed with the child who will peacefully watch TV while Daddy gets to sleep MORE, and I get the climbing, hair pulling, biting monkey in bed with me???

Granted I am no peach either, Chad wouldnt even come out this morning until I had had my cup of coffee...but thats a whole different story.

So then, is it horrible that I volunteer to mow the lawn to get away from my children?? Chad tried to beat me to it, but I told him to stay inside and relax with the kids :)

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