Friday, August 22, 2008

has it been a week already?

Wow, time sure flies when you're having fun. Or getting ready for school to start! This week was busy to say the least. We had doctors appointments, dentist appointments, haircuts, swimming lessons, and meet the teacher night for Caleb's new school.

Not to mention we had to pick out a new bookbag and luchbox. We could have spent an entire day on just that alone. Caleb finally settled on a Lightning McQueen bag and lunchbox.....after 2 hours of looking in Target. Goodness it was CRAZY, oh and I had another grocery store doing triple coupons so that took up 2 hours of my valuable time on Friday....thank goodness bribery is a beautiful thing. All it takes is a trip to the Carousel for ice cream :) and Caleb tries his best to let me shop in peace...Cohen on the other hand....well you can imagine how that goes. Most of the time he looks like this....

Or this.....

But back to the school thing, Caleb starts tomorrow.... Ok, pre-school, but it is REAL dammit. He is going into a 5 day program, but will go only 3 days a week for a little while. So he can get used to it. OK, so I can get used to it. I need the gradual transition as much as he does. Yes, he has been home with me for 4 years, and you get used to having the company. Not that Cohen isn't great company....but he doesn't talk. He yells, and babbles, and smacks his hands on things. But he isn't quite the conversationalist that Caleb is. And if you have ever talked to Caleb you know what I mean :)

Right now Cohen and I are in a bit of a rough patch. All you Mom's know what I am talking about. He is at the stage right now where all he does is get in trouble. I know he isnt being BAD, but the kid is insatiably curious about everything. How many friggen times do you have to pull the trash can over to see the garbage fall out of it for God's sakes?! And do all of the shoes taste different when you chew on them? I thought rubber was rubber, but then again, it's been a while since I chewed on a shoe. He has also learned how to shake his head, which means he is very close to saying "NO" to me. I am not looking forward to that. But for the time being, he just shakes his head (and his body gets a little involved too) in a very Stevie Wonder like fashion. It is actually very comical, here is a video so you can see for yourself.....

Funny huh? All through the grocery store, he just kept shaking that head. Poor kid, he already hates shopping with me. He does however like to do anything with Caleb, which is just one of the reasons I will miss Caleb so much. How am I supposed to entertain Cohen all by myself??? I hate playing with firetrucks, and running around dressed like a cowboy. And I know with the utmost certainty that Cohen is going to miss Caleb just as much as I will. I am however looking forward to giving Cohen the same attention that Caleb was fortunate enough to have from me, thus far.... that's if I can keep him out of the trash......

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