Sunday, August 17, 2008

just a regular ole' weekend

Well, we are finally sitting down...Sunday night at 9:30 PM. That's what happens when you hang out at home for the weekend...there is no such thing as relaxing, there is too much "stuff" that needs to be done!

I left the camera inside for most of me you didn't miss anything too exciting, but I had to take some pictures of this father son bonding time....

Here is Caleb concentrating, and chewing the inside of his lip....I think this is so cute because I do the same thing. He does it when he is thinking, I catch him sometimes in the rearview mirror doing it too....I hate that he is picking up on my bad habits, but at the same time I think it is adorable :)

He takes his job very seriously.

I wish I knew what he was thinking in this one...he looks very regal.

And my personal favorite...I dont know why, but the look on his face is the perfect mix of thought AND confusionAnd no I didn't forget that I have another child.....Cohen just happens to be to small to get up on the ladder and paint. He would just end up eating it anyways...the little trouble maker :) He is very busy...very very busy. Which is why there arent many pictures of him lately....I can't keep up AND take pictures of him!

Well, I'm going to settle in with a glass of vino, and enjoy doing absolutely nothing for a few mintues, until I wake up and we do it all over again :)

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