Monday, August 11, 2008

Swim lessons and fluffer nutters

It was just another Monday here at home...not too much exciting stuff going on. The usual cleaning up from the weekend...I'm not sure about you all, but when my husband is home for a couple of days the house looks like an atomic bomb went off. I just can't keep up with him...socks, half drank drinks, glasses, keys, tools.....whatever, he just sets it down where ever he pleases, and makes a nice little trail for me to follow. So generally Monday is spent cleaning up the tidbits he has left for me....out of love of course....I know he just wants to make sure I don't get bored :)

So, after all of my hard work cleaning up, I managed to take Caleb outside for some quality playtime and fresh air, and then I treated myself to a fluffer nutter for lunch today (thank you broken refrigerator) and it might just be the tastiest yummiest treat EVER. Who the heck thought of that one? The only thing that might make it better is some chocolate. I'll have to buy some Nutella and try that out, I'll get back to you on that one.

In other news, today was Caleb's first day back at swim lessons....I'm almost positive the kid has gills somewhere. He is so much fun to watch in the water, and it has been great to watch him get more and more comfortable....I can't wait to teach him to water ski :) Although for some reason blowing bubbles, kicking his feet, AND paddling his hands cannot happen all at the same time....if he is swimming, he is holding his breath, and if he's blowing bubbles, only 1 arm moves, and the other is a limp noodle :) It is VERY comical to watch, all's I have to say is it's a good thing he can hold his breath for a long time :) Anyways, here are some photos from the big day.....

patiently waiting......

flexing for the ladies...

He's such a hearthrob isn't he?

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