Sunday, September 28, 2008

plastics, dyes, and DIRT!!

Do you remember back in the day when we used to drink those sugary sweet juice drinks that were in the little jug looking things? I forget what they were called, but boy they sure were GOOD on a hot day. Well I bet you a hundred bucks they were FULL of red dye 40, and were in plastic containers that contained BPA, not to mention they probably contained 50 tablespoons of sugar per guzzle...but hey, they were cheap right?!
Man, we had it easy back then....and so did our parents! I'm constantly trying to keep up with the conflicts that plague parents these days. Lately all I seem to do is check labels, read about vaccines, and plastics, chemicals, etc....and try to figure out WHAT THE HECK TO FEED THESE kids!! I do the best I can...I got rid of the BPA plastics, I try to avoid red dye 40 and other artificial coloring. High fructose corn syrup is on the black list, and I have switched to organic milk...and now, I really don't want to eat, drink, or play with anything from China either. There you have it. I AM one of "those" Moms. What can I say I want the best for my children....and I don't want to find out 40 years down the road that their colon cancer was from the pesticides, hormones, and chemical that I fed them when they were kids.

But at the same time, I no longer use those plastic mats that stick to the table for Cohen to eat off of in restaurants, he eats off the table....he hardly ever wears bibs, and he has already had eggs, chocolate, ice cream and french fries....he's not even a year old yet! So I am still a bit of a slacker Mom. Poor Caleb suffered a fry-less existance until he was at least 18 months old! Oh, and I caught Cohen in the toilet the other day....not just splashing happily, but with a wad of wet toilet paper hanging out of his mouth. Yeah, yeah, HA HA....very funny...all I can say is it's a good thing I forgot to put the clorox tablet in the toilet last week!

Kids will be kids, they get dirty, they eat stuff they shouldn't, they stay up past their bedtimes and they love it :)

A couple weekends ago we took the opportunity to let the kids do just that. My sister was in VA for a horse show, so we thought it would be fun to go and visit. We decided to rough it, and camp out. Caleb LOVES camping, Cohen not so much. But that was probably because I made him sleep in a winter hat.....(we went to tuck the horses in right before bed)

He did however love the cheeseburgers

and ice cream, and most of all the DIRT!! I think he ate 2 lbs of it....Caleb enjoyed the grunginess too, and the junk food, and most of all his PEPSI!! That is what he had for dessert. And he was a stark raving lunatic from it....good thing it only happens on special occasions :) Here is Caleb in all of his dirty sugary glory...

Sometimes...I think we have to let the rules slide...and let the kids be kids...even if it involves eating a little horse poop :)


Morgan LaMare said...

You are so freaking cute! You're just the perfect mom, those boys are so lucky :) I don't even know what the hell red dye no. 40 IS, let alone keep it from my kids!!! But I hear ya - we're always looking for ways to be more organic and green. As long as I can still wear leather boots and get my makeup from Nordstrom, I'm good to go :) Ha ha, I'm not THAT shallow! Hope you are all enjoying each other and I love and miss you all sooooo much!

Anonymous said...

I just love this site.....
I know that I don't call or visit as much as I want to however, "all ya'll" are always on my mind...
I can't express in words how much guilt I have for living so far away and not playing with "the boys" every weekend!!
My love to you all........