Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Cohen~the forgotten child :)

I promised to spend some more blog time on Cohen, so this is for you little buddy :) I did not realize how consuming Caleb was of my time...that is until he was gone (at school). No I didn't give my kid away LOL. But honestly, my day revolves around my kids. Caleb mostly, and Cohen until now has just been along for the ride. Now, with Caleb at school for a few hours, Cohen gets to run the show! It is very quiet with out him here, but Cohen is learning to compensate for him. He is quite the jabber jaw now that he is trying to increase his vocabulary. We currently have Mama, Dada, some "Ba" sound that I believe means "Caleb", and he is starting to sign as well. He is signing "milk" pretty consistently, which is ironic since I really want to be done nursing when he is a year old....which, well, sadly isn't too far away. More on that later!

I am really enjoying having some more one on one time with Cohen, and it is so interesting to see how different he is from Caleb. He is quite sassy, as you can see here. He LOVES to eat, and loves stuffing his little sausage fingers into his mouth whenever he can.

He is very determined....I'm pretty sure he'll be walking before he's a year old vs. Caleb who pushed his little wagon around until he was 15 months!! He was SOOO cautious. Not this one, he is a risk taker :) I know, I know, that just spells T-R-O-U-B-L-E. He is such a doll, and like his brother, a total Mama's boy. But, the one he really looks forward to seeing everyday....Caleb. He loves his brother. He misses him like crazy, and is so happy to see him get in to the car when we pick him up at school...he just lights up. He was smiling at Caleb when I snapped this picture.
And here is a little video of the boys playing...I believe Cohen thinks HE is hitting Caleb with the ball...or maybe he just thinks Caleb is really stupid for hitting himself with the ball...well for whatever reason, this kid has a belly laugh like no other, so turn up the volume and enjoy!


Anonymous said...

so!so! madeline and khloe'! i can't tell you the relief i feel that they are yearrrrrrrrrrrrrs apart! i think we would be in trouble otherwise!! :) LOVED THE VIDEO! it will be on youtube or america's funniest videos for some college fund $$$$$, right?! love you all,b

Anonymous said...

Dave and I laughed so hard watching this video...we miss that laugh! Gotta love a silly brother, miss you guys!