Thursday, February 26, 2009

No news is good news :)

Sorry for the lack of posting people...we were without a camera for a while, and well...without pictures, I am uninspired to write anything. I now have my camera back, but I can't find the battery charger...see the dilema?

Besides that all is good on the homefront. We are enjoying a beautiful 50+ degree day....did I mention that I LOOOOVE Virginia?? Caleb played outside, and rode his bike in the cul-de-sac WITHOUT TRAINING WHEELS!!! Yes, the little guy isnt even 5 yet, and he was riding like an old pro. It was a proud moment.

Oh, and I got a job. Well sort of. I joined a gym...a health club whatever you want to call it. I am bound and determined to be in better shape than I was in even in High School... Anyways, this gym is so fantastic, and they have free child care so you can excersize in peace. Anyways, they have this "bartering" program where if you work for only 2 hours a week in the child care room you get your membership for FREE, and your kids can come with you!!! Well, you all know what a strain that gym membership was putting on my frugal...(read CHEAP) self. So this is right up my alley. So from now on if you are looking for me on Thursday mornings from 10-12...I am at work people ;)

I promise when we get the camera situation worked out there will be pictures so stay tuned!

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