Saturday, November 1, 2008


One year ago today, I was lying in bed at the Fauquier county hospital holding my beautiful newborn baby boy...and wondering how the heck I was going to manage a newborn and a 3 year old. Today, I lay here on the couch wondering how I am going to handle a 1 year old, and a 4 year old. 15 years from now....boy, that makes me....OLD :)
I know it is cliche, but guys, it goes by so fast. Seriously, it seems like yesterday I was in the hospital hoping that Caleb had not convinced Grammie and Papa that ice cream was an OK dinner. Skip ahead one day, Uncle Houli is visiting and we are singing Happy Birthday with Five Guys Burgers and fries (Cohen's favorite) and the biggest birthday cake 16 bucks can buy. Thank you Costco. And just so you don't all feel left out here are some pictures of the big day......

This is Cohen rockin' our famous birthday hat....and not really liking it so much.

A much "happier" birthday boy...see, no birthday hat :) I fondly remember Caleb ripping it off of his head too at his 1st birthday... The cake... (the candle is up a the top, Caleb picked it because it was "sparkly") He takes after me :) Caleb showing Cohen how it's done (blowing out the candles). Cohen getting his first taste of the good stuff.Yummmmmmmm....

You can see that Cohen also takes after his Mama in this picture :)Present time!!!Concentrating......And finally....Yay! IT'S A BALL! I know, I know, a frickin' ball?! Come on! But seriously, a very wise friend once told me, all a kid needs is a ball...and seriously...can you see the smile on his face in this picture???Probably not, I know it's kinda small. But trust me, he liked it :) And even though Caleb has 6 million balls of his own, he sure was jealous, and loved it too.



Morgan LaMare said...

Oh my God! Talk about time flying . . . I can't believe the little man is ONE! I expected him to be turning the corner to 5 months or something!! Happy Birthday Cohen! And I LOVE the ball gift, I always say that too, just get my kids a ball for their birthday/Christmas/whatever and they're happy!


Anonymous said...

Where does the time go. Little man is one and so those cheeks and that smile. Uhhhh I wish I could squeeze him! Happy 1st Cohen. Love and miss you all like crazy!