Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Boots and chaps, and cowboy hats....

Caleb is a little man of many talents.....to my brothers in Tennesse he is "Captain Caleb", at home he is "Chef Caleb" and now he has another title to add to his resume....

Cowboy Caleb...as he is known to his friends now :) We went on a little camping trip and met up with my sister and her girls at a horse show in Delaware. The rest is history. As most of you know, in my former life, horses were a great passion of mine...and thanks to my sister one of the reasons I stayed out of trouble during my teenage years. So it was a very proud moment when I saw the exitement and sheer bliss in my little guy's eyes as he pulled on his first pair of "real" cowboy boots. He rode a horse in the show, he shoveled poop, and helped out in every way he possibly could. I think he FINALLY got something from me :) Horses are a great part of my past, and I'd like to think they will be a part of our future too.


Anonymous said...

Kenz says..."I am a cowgirl too(for Halloween)Caleb, and I love you too!!!! Do you love me too? You are the bestest friend! I can't wait to go to Myrtle Beach with you. I can't wait to go to Disney World with you too. I couldn't have a better friend like you."
Grandma Penny Penny Penny thinks you look very handsome in your cowboy hat. She couldn't wait to show me your picture this morning.
Irene & Chad...you guys make beautiful babies!!!!! That is for sure. How could they help but share your love for horses!!!! Caleb looks like a natural!!!!
Love you all and miss you guys so very much.

Morgan LaMare said...

Well look at you becoming quite the photographer! I love these photos! I know how much horses mean to you . . . I must say I'm a little partial these days since being thrown off this summer and getting hurt pretty bad. :( But Caleb is quite the little stud and will kick all those other horse-riding kids' asses!!! :) Love you and miss you guys so much!

Anonymous said...

Caleb, I just love the pictures!
Maddy will be so proud of you. She is supposed to come down here to ride horses with me and Casey for a trail ride weekend!!

All of your nickname's have the same initials..."C.C."

Love ya Bud....Uncle Mike

Anonymous said...

What a little stud.....Those horses took you away from me every summer:( Miss you now like I missed you then. You better watch out for those cowgirls, they are going to be lining up around the stable for your little man!
love you all-Carrie