Friday, October 24, 2008

Attention Kmart shoppers

And even if you don't normally shop at KMart, starting Sunday 10/26 through the following Sunday, they will be DOUBLING COUPONS UP TO $2.00 This means if you have $2.00 coupon for an item, you will get $4.00 off the item. $1.00 coupon, $2.00 off and so on. Even if you don't normally use coupons or shop at KMart, this is a reason to. Do yourself and your family favor, save some money. You know you want to. You know you NEED to. Then do like Auntie did, and buy yourself a pint of Haagen Daaz as a reward for saving some serious loot. Now, I do not normally shop at KMart, it is in the G-H-E-T-T-O...but trust me, I will be there when the doors open this Sunday, and you should be too. Sometimes you just have to sacrifice. And sometimes you get 4 bottles of shampoo just because they are FREE.

DISCLAIMER : ALL KMART STORES ARE NOT PARTICIPATING....look up your stores flyer online, or call your local store to verify. Or if you are feeling really brave, head on over to and find out if your store is participating. (Hint: there is a big list...wink wink) And just so you know, if you call your store might tell you they dont know yet, blah, blah, store tried that. I laughed at them, and then felt really great that I knew about it before they did :) Because I am good like that, and I have "sources" LOL. Have fun, and Happy couponing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tip. I had a great time shopping at my Kmart! I especially loved looking at how much I saved, over $25 with all of my coupons. Thanks again, Allison